Celebrating forty years on this planet. Came up with forty thoughts that are important to me. Which resonate with you….

  1. Have faith.  You can look at life with doubt, fear and uncertainty, or with faith, love and adventure.
  2. Laugh.  Find a way.  Whether it is laughter yoga, silly YouTube clips or that friend that just has you in stitches, it is sooooo good for you.
  3. Listen.  You never know what you might learn.
  4. Sing.  Whether it be with a group, in the shower, or in the car.  It releases STUFF, so crank up the tunes!
  5. Respect.  Are you looking after yourself?  Are you showing your heart, body and soul that you respect it?  How can you expect others to if you are not?
  6. Talk.  Open Up.  You may just plant a seed for someone, or be that inspiration they are needing.
  7. Trust.  Sure we can be burnt sometimes.  Learning to trust again starts with trusting ourselves.
  8. Dance.  Whatever that looks like for you, crank up the tunes and let it all go.
  9. Forgive.  Yourself, family members, partners, friends.  Doesn’t mean you have to forget, but don’t let it continue to have a hold over you.
  10. Connect.  Sure we are unique beings, but we weren’t born to live alone.  Be brave, find your tribe.
  11. Disconnect.  Take yourself offline.  There is more to life than can be found behind a device.
  12. Believe.  Be open to start seeing what others see in you, however hard this may feel.  
  13. Be curious.  Try new things, do things differently, go new places.
  14. Celebrate the good stuff.  It helps The Universe know what to send more of.
  15. Stop.  We can speed through week by week, it really makes a difference when we slow down a little and take time to stop, breathe and reflect.
  16. Start small.  We can often get overwhelmed when we think about change, what might be something small you could do today.
  17. Check in.  That friend you haven’t heard from for a while.
  18. Smile.  Doesn’t cost anything.
  19. Shine YOUR light.  No one else can do it like you.  Don’t be afraid.  
  20. Say hi.  When out walking, you may never know how much someone needs to be seen or heard.
  21. Learn.  Whether it be something official, something for interest or about yourself, keep that brain active
  22. Material objects don’t provide connection.
  23. Be open.  Open to the gifts that life has to offer.
  24. Be grateful.  Even on the hardest day, there will be some things to be grateful for.
  25. Create.  Forget whatever it was your art teacher said.  You will find your thing. Express yourself.
  26. Be aware of expectations.  Not everyone will be expecting the same as you.
  27. You can have an adventure without spending any money.
  28. Share your story.  There will be someone out there that is looking for someone who has been what you have been through.
  29. Choose.  Choose how you want to feel and how you want to show up, keep coming back to that.
  30. Pause.  Respond rather than react.
  31. Accept.  There will be ups and downs, there will be good times and bad, accept them all.  There will always be learnings.
  32. Create boundaries.  Compromise, negotiate, but don’t be stretched.  You’re not doing anyone any favours in the long run, least of all you.
  33. Have a focus.  But keep your eyes, heart and mind open to ensure you don’t miss anything along the way.  We can only create a future based on our previous experiences, The Universe might have something better for us in store.
  34. Don’t always try and fix it.  Sometimes we just need someone to sit with us.  Sometimes we just need to sit with ourselves, and it is then the answers come.
  35. Be clear on what is important to YOU.  Ensure there is enough of that happening in your life.
  36. Take responsibility.  It is your life. Keep the key to your happiness in your own pocket.
  37. Create memories.  How will you look back on your life?
  38. Take back your power.  Don’t leave it in fragmented parts in other people’s hands or in situations.  
  39. Say Yes to Life.
  40. Love.  Choose love time and time and time again.