Feeling stuck, trapped?
Feeling broken, different, don’t belong? A bit lost? Not sure which path to choose?
I hear you. You do not have to do this on your own. I have absolutely had some of those feelings and more!
From ‘broken’ to feeling free…
I found my way through that and am keen to share the journey with you…
When asked what one of my top values is, I talk about freedom.
As soon as I feel that I’ve lost that for whatever reason I feel it can really make my mental health go wonky. Freedom as in road trips, freedom as in opportunities, but possibly the biggest one from me, freedom for the incessant story reel and noise that the gremlins used to make.
Some people call it their inner critic, some give is a specific name, for me the visual of gremlins works well for me, especially when I could start seeing them packing their bags and heading off!
Looking back to when I have struggled in the past I now know it was because not only was I disconnected from my true self, I had no solid foundations as to who I was and so would be pulled this way and that. I had no idea this was what was happening at the time, I was too busy doing what I needed to do to try and fit in.
The gremlins that would tell me there was something wrong with me, that I was broken, that made me feel like I didn’t belong, was on the outside. I am here to share with you that what those gremlins spout out is a whole load of $*(#(*& and that you too can be free of their grasp.
What is on the other side of your gremlins, fears, inner critic? (Yes, I get it, it can be terrifying, it’s not weird to be feeling that.)
What are you wanting more of in your life?
Is it time we made that happen?

How I Coach
The coaching I do is around helping you reconnect with your true self. It will be a journey of healing, understanding, compassion and gaining insights in to previous patterns and responses. I connect. I listen. I support. For me, this journey has been a big part of working out who I am, and just as importantly finding out who I am not and letting that go. I look forward to sharing this journey with you.