In It Together

A meeting place for those who have been affected by Cyclone Gabrielle and those keen to support them.

Haere mai,

Good on you for coming to take a look.  It can feel super hard when navigating some emotionally tough stuff, and we can often feel that we are having to do it on our own, or maybe we feel that we are the only ones going through what we are going through.  This page has been set up to reassure you that there are people around you, supports, listening ears, and professionals offering their resources and services, willing to share this journey of recovery with you…

There is no one size fits all approach when it comes to our wellbeing.  For example, the path of grief can look and feel very different for each individual.  What might help me relieve some stress and overwhelm may not be the tool for you.  What is under one person’s anger could be very different from another person’s even if the behaviours are very similar.

Take your time to have a look through what is here, and pop back another time as more resources are added.  Got a wellbeing question that you would appreciate having answered, feel free to email me, and we will do our best to get you some answers.  This does not replace any medical advice that you may be getting, but more some thoughts and ideas to help you on your journey.

Those supporting this are local and also from different parts of the country.  Individuals who are wrapping their arms and wisdom around you right now.  We are with you.

Warmest wishes


We will be sharing different ideas and tools that can help at this time.  It will be updated regularly, so please do check back in and/or share the resources or the whole website with those that you feel may benefit.  You can also follow our facebook page here.

I feel overwhelmed.

Overwhelm, stress, busy head?  Not sure where to start, a lot going through your head.

I feel so sad.

Grief is normal at a time like this.  There are different losses people will have experienced.

I feel guilty for surviving.

You deserve support too.  Everyone has been affected.  Forgiveness.  Survivor guilt.

I feel angry.

That’s understandable. What’s underneath your anger?

I feel anxious.

Worried about the future, the uncertainty?  Unanswered questions, feel in limbo.

I am so tired.

Burnout.  Can’t stop?  Refusing to take a break?  Could be physical, emotional, mental exhaustion.

What’s resilience?

It’s being talked about a lot, what is it?  How can I build it?  What will make a difference right now?

How do I support my kids?

What can we do to help heal our young ones?  What are they needing?

I’m worried about my friend.

Reaching out can be the hardest thing.  Practical tips and conversation starters.

I’m not feeling heard.

Not feeling heard or seen? Feeling alone and forgotten?

I feel useless.

Feeling useless, like there’s nothing we can do, can be a tough place.

What else?

Got a question?  Email, we will get some answers.

Looking for help?

Need some help, can’t sleep at night or not sure where to from here, grieving for what you have lost, overwhelmed, anxious, feeling guilty, stressed, maybe the cyclone has brought up some ‘old stuff’, keen to have a chat with someone?  You will find FREE SUPPORT from this group of big-hearted practitioners.


Pop back regularly to see what events are on.

Date Event
Keep us posted about what’s on in your area!

Got a wellness event that supports the local community? Email Liz at

For supporters

Are you a therapist, wellness practitioner, coach, counsellor or in another profession that would like to support the well-being recovery of those affected by Cyclone Gabrielle? Then please complete this form and we will be in touch.

How does Liz fit in?

Liz is a Certified Life Coach working alongside Taranaki Retreat and felt very drawn to come over to Hawke’s Bay to help with the wellness side of the recovery.

Liz was hearing many stories and seeing that many people are holding a lot at the moment, maybe flat out trying to navigate being relocated, the clear up, getting back to work, supporting loved ones as well as often supporting those they’d never met before.  She was also aware that there were many great therapists and suchlike waiting in the wings ready to help out in whatever way they could.

Liz and the team set up this page as a bit of a go-to to bring the two together – those needing support and help at this time, as well as those that are so very ready to provide that space.

We all play a part! The services that are listed in the directory are from those that want to help and support in the wellbeing recovery side of the recovery.  They have each completed the form and have therefore made their way on to the spreadsheet.  Liz’s part in this is leading this project and co-ordinating this page.  Your part in this is recognising that our wellbeing journey is our own, and something that we each need to take responsibility for.  Therefore if you are keen for support, please do your research through their website or social media pages to see if they seem to be a fit for you before contacting them.

Helplines for your support

Need to talk? Free call or text 1737
Talk with a trained counsellor, anytime.

For counselling and support

  • Lifeline 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP) – here to help
  • Samaritans 0800 726 666 – for confidential support for anyone who is lonely or in emotional distress
  • Depression Helpline 0800 111 757 or free text 4202 – to talk to a trained counsellor about how you are feeling or to ask any questions
  • Healthline 0800 611 116 – for advice from trained registered nurses

All services are free, and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week unless otherwise stated.

For children and young people

  • Youthline 0800 376 633, free text 234, email or online chat at (available 4:30pm – 10pm) – for young people and their parents, whānau and friends
  • What’s Up 0800 942 8787 (0800 WHATSUP) call (11am – 11pm) or online chat at (11am – 10:30pm) every day – for 5-19 year olds
  • – a free online tool for anyone who needs help working through problems
  • visit the website or free text 5626 – support for young people experiencing depression or anxiety
  • – a self-help tool that teaches young people the key skills to help combat depression and anxiety
  • Aroha chatbot – a free app for young people that connects you to a virtual guide to help build resilience

Help for Deaf and hard-of-hearing people

  • NZ Relay – helps users to connect with services over the phone
  • NZ Police 111TXT – Register with the New Zealand Police for the 111TXT service.
  •  TXT, messenger, online chat – many services in this brochure offer txt, messenger or online chat services.