Contact Liz 


What have you got to lose…

Maybe after going through the coaching options you know exactly what you want, but are just unsure of the first steps. Maybe you’re not sure about how you’re feeling, maybe stuck, bored ‘meh’, lost your mojo, and are thinking there should be more to life. Let’s start with a chat and see if we are a fit.

Contact Liz – Life Coach by filling in the form below.

Contact Liz - Life Coach

Contact Details

Liz Fry – Your Life Coach

Waimanako, Metro Plaza,
33 Devon Street West,
New Plymouth

Phone: 021 449 832

Take the first step today

I am super passionate about helping people live a more authentic life. A life where they feel more confident, happier, more at peace. A life that has meaning, direction, purpose. A life that is intrinsically and uniquely yours.