Do you belong to my club?
Have you been told you’re “just too sensitive”, by someone close to you?
Have you chastised yourself for being an emotional “whimp”?
Have you wondered if you actually have a mental health problem as your moods ebb and flow seemingly with the tides?
Welcome to a very special club.
No you are not mental, offensive, demanding, psycho or any of the other disparaging labels others (or you) have laid at your feet.
You may just be an EMPATH.
I’ll give you a glimpse into the world of an empath…. my world.
What do you recognise in yourself?
*Most likely you are in a healing profession of some sort, or a teaching profession. You could be a doctor, nurse, wholistic practitioner, psychotherapist, psychologist, or school teacher.
*You are probably artistic in some way (or many ways). For me it’s always been dancing, writing and singing. What about you?
*You find the world a tough place to land. You just seem too sensitive for its brutality and cruelty… although you can find meaning and beauty in the smallest things too… the butterfly, the flower, a soaring melody. Endless beauty along side the cruelty.
*You’re like a magnet for the sick, needy and troubled. If you’re sitting on a half empty bus and a troubled soul gets on…. you just know they’re going to sit next to you…. and they do!
*You simply cannot tolerate violent or cruel people, movies or literature. You’re forever “blocking” posts on your Face book feed, encouraging more of the elephant movies and far, far fewer of the angry, hateful ranters.
*You don’t watch the news or read the newspaper very often. It’s filled with the worse of humanity, and it can haunt you for days when you read about the awful suffering of someone you don’t even know.
*Long after the headlines have faded into silence, you find yourself wondering how some poor misfortunate is doing now…. months later.
*You’re sensitive. Full stop. Sensitive to smell, sound, touch, heat, cold, food, speed (no I don’t mean drugs… but yes, sensitive to those too). And more than anything else, sensitive to emotion. Yours and others.
*You can walk into a building and literally sense the energy of the building and the people in it. You “pick up the vibes” everywhere you go.
*You can bleed yourself dry giving to others. Soothing, looking after, healing, encouraging…
*Your heart is huge. It’s the first thing to connect with the world, and often your head comes a poor second.
So…. do you recognise yourself here?
You are not mad, faulty, or outdated.
You are the beating heart, the kindness in a desert.
The world needs you and your sensitivity more than ever before.
Are you an Empath?
Lynda x