There has been a lot of talks recently about people comparing themselves to others, and social media is making this easier and easier for people to do. Keeping up with the Jones’ has taken on a whole new level, and we are getting much more insights in to people’s lives, or the lives they would like us to believe…..
I have heard people comparing and not liking what they see. They feel they are not doing so well, their events are not so full, they don’t have as many likes on their page, not as many friends…. The list can go on….
Does this sound familiar? Are you in that spot yourself? Please stop…. Like SERIOUSLY- Stop!
We are all on our own journey, we all have unique combinations of skills, passions and talents and because of this, we must not look to the same old traditional indicators of success.
So what does success mean to you?
Are you looking at the bottom line and wondering if it is all worth it? Are you looking at the time you’ve spent on Facebook thinking it was time wasted as reach has been down and not many people have seen your posts? You’re up half the night getting ready for an event and only make a handful of sales…
You don’t need me to tell you that business and life can be hard. But…. What if one of those handfuls of sales you made meant the absolute world to that person because it was just the gift they wanted for their hard-to-buy-for Gran, or maybe that cream you sell, is THE final thing that will help their son and his eczema.
What if one person was cheered up by your funny post or inspired by your meme, but maybe was just not a ‘liker’. I remember when I was struggling with depression last year and walking along the beach, and it was taking everything for me to lift my eyes up and look at other walkers and smile, and when I got ignored I felt like saying to them, CAN SOMEONE PLEASE SAY HELLO! What if your message is that absolute thing that even just one person needs to hear right now.
What about the fact that you are able to leave for a long weekend early on a Friday morning, rather than sitting in traffic, and so what if you take work with you, isn’t that success too that you have a flexible business that you can pick up and take with you?
What about the look you saw on your daughter’s face when she saw you were able to come and see her in her school play because you have managed to rejig your day and get there to see her.
It’s easy to think, well yes Liz, this is all well and good but I can’t feed my family on these things, I need some practical tips to help me achieve my goals, well here are my top five!
1 – Look at the people you’re hanging around with, an oldy but makes such a difference, who can you totally connect with on that deeper level.
2 – Check out the balance of things in your life the ones that excite you vs the ones that need to disappear…
3 – Are you in tune with your gut and your instincts, check out the replay of our blab show here with Tracy Manu on this subject.
4 – Are you still learning? What can you get stuck in to that will help you grow personally to achieve what you want to do
5 – Don’t be afraid to evolve.
I think to me success is freedom and choice and as long as I have them, I am doing something right in my books and living by my values – isn’t that success too, living your life by the values you deem the most important….?
What’s important in your life? What would it truly mean for you to look back, and go yup I’ve done well….
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however, measured of far away.
Henry David Thoreau