A heart that broke free – Book


Don’t miss out on this opportunity to dive into Liz’s transformative story and start your own path to enoughness.

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Join Liz on a heartfelt journey as she navigated those beliefs and stories, wanted to understand more about them, what was going on and what she could do about it.

In this book, Liz shares the insights, struggles, and breakthroughs that led her to embrace her own enoughness. Through powerful stories and practical lessons, she guides you to connect with your inherent worth and create a life filled with confidence, peace, and purpose.

This is one heart’s story of how it broke through the defences that were keeping her stuck, trapped, feeling not seen and not heard. A heart that went on to find freedom, a life that felt authentic, colourful, adventurous and where she really came to believe that she was, and is enough.

Liz includes journal entries from her healing journey, where she is regularly questioning what is going on for her. Liz reflects on these writings with what she has come to understand, what has helped and what she has created to help others too.

“Wow, what a read! So much hope and help can be found through the pages for others walking the journey, for them not to feel alone or an island with their thoughts. A must read for those in it and those supporting on the sidelines.” Anna Richardson

“A thought-provoking exploration of how that feeling of not being enough can shape our lives and the empowering journey that can be taken towards self-acceptance and healing.” Heidi Riley

“Liz is an innovator who is constantly learning and leading; developing and training; equipping and empowering; patiently listening – wisely discerning; laughing, encouraging and healing through vulnerability and courage. This incredible taonga ‘A Heart That Broke Free’ shares the raw, real healing journey Liz has been on to connect back to her enoughness and to help you connect back to yours.” Jamie Allen

“A smorgasboard of tools, ideas, theories and models shared in a unique and incredibly resonating way.” Louise

“Wowzers! The enoughness link to flight/flight and how you explain it sums up and aligns with my thoughts and how I’ve been processing my Dr’s “observation” of functioning in a permanent state of anxiety/panic (even if unconsciously). Thank you 🙏🏼 Thank you ☺️ for continuing to be a MASSIVE part of my journey, and no shit honestly the person/reason that I finally started understanding (and learning to love) ME!!

Since February 2020 when we met life hasn’t been any easier, I’ve still had plenty of swings and roundabouts in my emotions/mental state etc BUT now all with better tools, strength, understanding of myself, and most importantly the willingness to WANT to be honest with myself, and work on things rather than band aid and pretend my way through life.

Because yeah, it’s not easy a lot of the time… But…. I’m worth it – and I AM ENOUGH!!!” Anneliese

Snap up your copy today as a tool to accompany your journey to enoughness or to be alongside someone on theirs.


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