Coaching & Courses

Working with me

So what actually is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is very much about looking and moving forward. It is about acknowledging what has happened in the past and coming up with some ways to ensure the past doesn’t continue to have a hold on us.

Maybe something has happened for you that will mean that life will never be the same again. Together we will find a new path for you, one that recognises what you have been through and will start to bring hope and light to your journey again.

It is about small steps, that will start you moving in the right direction, connecting back to you, helping you to feel inspired and ultimately learning to love yourself and life once more.

It takes courage to move from familiar to unfamiliar

It can make such a difference to travel the journey of discovery with someone; someone impartial that has taken a journey of their own, someone who gets it, who doesn’t judge, who cares, who listens, who understands the times where you want to pack it all in, who has been there themselves.

Often when I am in the initial stages of the journey with someone they share that however much they want what we are working towards, that it feels scary, unknown, shaky.  I get that.

However uncomfortable where we have come from has been, it’s still comfortable because it’s familiar…

We know what it looks like, we know what it feels like and the draw of the known can keep us stuck there, but when we start getting glimpses of what else is out there, it can start to build momentum, and we start wanting more and more of that and feel more and more determined to get to where we are heading!

Having someone alongside us for the journey can help for those times that we want to turn back, can help when we are tired, when we need a break, when we want to recharge, need a light shone on something, need navigation through the potholes, and to start dismantling some of the road blocks that have been in the way up till now.

Someone alongside helps remind us of just why we left where we did, why we embarked on this journey, and remind us of where we are headed and why!

Along the journey back to their true self people find:

  • they can now identify beliefs that have limited them and held them back
  • they let go of patterns and behaviours that are not serving them
  • they release pain and stories that are no longer serving them
  • the bullying inner critic starts to pipe down and not shout so loudly 
  • that critic gets replaced with a comforting, encouraging compassionate voice
  • they are starting to take their power back, take control of their lives again
  • their confidence begins to build, boundaries get put in to place
  • they connect to what is important to them, their core values
  • meaning and purpose become an integral part of their life
  • inner peace begins to settle
  • they are laughing and smiling once more
  • their diary starts filling up with plans, opportunities
  • they feel better equipped to deal with curveballs life can bring

So when we have got to the destination, what then?

We very much focus on really cementing those foundations, your true self, home.   Then it is over to you.

Does this mean I will never disconnect from myself again?

I would love to say that once you have got there, you’ll be sweet, but let’s be real!  Life happens and various situations can pull us away from our true self once more.  It may be grief, it may be a difficult relationship, stress, a work situation, the motherload, the fatherload, trauma, a health issue, addiction, the list goes on…

So what then?

The roadmap, the tools you will have gained from our original journey together would be available to help you navigate your way back to yourself.

What we find is that the more awareness we have, we can start to pick up some more of those signs along the road away from our true self quicker than we may have before. 

When we start to recognise them, e.g. withdrawing, not taking phone calls, self-care going out the window, healthy choices changing, old patterns and behaviours creeping back in, then we pull over.  We take stock, turn around and that road back to ourselves once more.

I remember when I started to understand this for myself.  I would be ticking along okay and then something would happen, a curveball would come in, or something would cause things to get rocky again.  I thought everything I had been working on was lost. I was back where I started.  But over time I found I could get things back on track quicker.  All was not lost.  I had just taken a road away from my true self again and would turn things around and head for those lights of home once more.

“Ah so you’re normal too…”

That’s what a client said in delight when I shared a story of becoming disconnected from my true self and having to navigate my way home once again.  “100%,” I replied.  What I went on to say is that the more we firm up those foundations of our true self, we don’t disconnect and head away so often, so far or for so long.

Coaching Options

Is what you have read so far resonating?

Do you feel that you are ready to start moving forward? Sometimes clients say they are done with talking about the past, they want some steps to help them look to the future. They are ready to start making some changes in their life. They are wanting to say yes to life once more.


Check out my online courses.

The Hummingbird Collective

  • A beautiful, gently courageous online community for women to share the journey and learn great tools that will help in healing their gremlins and find their true self.

Pathway to Belonging | e-book

  • From broken to belonging – a guide that meets you where you are at and helps you get to where you want to be.

Core Values | mini course

$47one off
  • Knowing our values provides a really important part of the foundations of our true self and can be found and understood really quite quickly!

Soul Board | online course

$47one off
  • A soul board is all about you. It is the way of giving your soul, your true self, a voice.

Alternative to Goal Setting | online course

$47one off
  • Learn a different approach to help get clear on where you want to be heading.

Choose the coaching option that fits you…

No two people are the same, no two sets of needs are the same. Therefore with me, no two coaching journeys are the same. Guided by you, how you best learn and what you want to achieve we will look at what the best path forward might be to suit your needs/other commitments.

The journey we take together is back to your true self.  Sometimes life takes us away from our true self.  But what does that actually mean….?

I am there for when you want to take diversions, get distracted, want to head back from where we left,  I am there to encourage you forward, forward to that cherished destination.

20-min call

  • 20 minute phone call
  • Let’s find out where you are now, where you want to be and go from there

Pit-Stop Coaching

  • 45 minute long session through zoom, skype, whatsapp, facetime or a traditional phone call
  • Get a new perspective, some next steps, a fresh approach to the situation you are facing now

Virtual Coaching

  • 4 hour virtual coaching session through WhatsApp or voxer voice/text messages
  • Opportunity to have a some virtual support as you work through and process what is on top for you

Coaching Journey

  • Ongoing sessions through zoom, skype, whatsapp, facetime, a traditional phone call or face-to-face
  • Working on the action plan and bringing it to life to get from where you are at to where you want to be