Sharing some gems that came in to my world last month…
1. “Sometimes we need to get off the dance floor, to allow God, or someone else to lead.” Is there a relationship of friendship where maybe you feel you are hitting your head against a brick wall, or not particularly feeling the love or respect you would hope? Is it time you left the dance floor?
2.”The past has happened. The future is undetermined.” – I was talking about Life Coaching to the lawyer in our networking group, Steve, and this was his response; and I was like, yes that! It is undertermined, it is up to us that we do about it…
3. “You do you and I’ll do me.” I find it so interesting what themes come up. I hadn’t really heard this much and then it seemed to be popping up a lot last month. I liked to think of it as a way of being authentic, and not needing/wanting/trying to make someone conform or similar; but then I also saw it meaning yeah, whatever, do what you like…. How does it sit with you? I remember googling once what does it mean when someone says “whatever,” it came back with I don’t care. Ooph!
4. I know I shared more thoughts here from Tuesdays with Morrie, but here is one more – “so many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they’re busy doing things they think are important. This is because they’re chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.”
5. Here in New Zealand we had Cyclone Dovi come through, and yes we certainly took a hit being on the West Coast here in New Plymouth. I was hunkering down for the day, until I reflected on the fact that it was like our comfort zone. It’s safe, we know what it looks like and feels like, we know how others treat us in it etc. But the fun is going on outside of that, the joy, the adventures, our core values. So I did take myself out in the afternoon for a walk along the walkway, it was great! Exhilarating! Blew the cobwebs away, made me feel alive! Yes the comfort one is safe, but life happens outside of that, doesn’t matter how small the steps need to be for us to get out of there, we just need to start taking them.
6. Dad’s contribution this month is the quote attributed to Henry Ford and Conficious “the man who thinks he can and the man who thinks he can’t, are both right.”
7. “Look up, do you see the sunlight. There’s flowers in your hair. Hold on because somebody love you.” A new song in my world this month by Joy Oladokun – Look Up.
8. I held a Soul Board Workshop at the beginning of the month. I love holding them, and I am always intrigued to hear what people take away from them. When we live with an openness and curiosity, there is so much more we get to see. As I was leaning over to pick up another magazine and glanced down and see in one of the participants’ coffee mugs the most beautiful heart left by the coffee froth… Open eyes, open ears, open heart.
9. I had a nail in my tyre one weekend. I would have so gone in to my old story, of life’s hard, have to do everything on my own. But that so doesn’t shout as loudly as I used to. I simply went in and explained the situation to my friend/the cafe owner and he came and changed it for me. I fully took this on as evidence to disprove my story. What evidence are you gathering? Evidence to back up your false identity, and negative story reel, or evidence to prove it wrong?
10. I often refer to the I am app, I like having its random statements come up throughout my day. Sometimes they are ‘nice,’ and sometimes they really resonate. I think my favourite so far has been “I am living the life I was courageous enough to create.” Are you?