1 – Community is a core value of mine, and that sense of belonging is really important to me. As it has been something I have needed, I have come to realise that I don’t want others feeling that sense of being left out or left behind. The Hummingbird Collective provides the space for women to share the journey together.
2 – When I started to explore the idea more a few further threads came together. I often work with women who for one reason or another have lost their sense of identity, the sense of who they are, have lost that free spirit. I have been there a few times, and each time said to myself never again. But it can happen so subtly and over a period of time, it can be hard to realise what is going on. It was from having many of those conversations, whether the cage be a relationship, covid, a job, a living situation, travel restrictions, old beliefs and stories, others’ values, their false identity, that I realised that this community was for women. Women who are feeling stuck, trapped, and whose wings have been clipped and to help them find confidence, belonging and freedom once more.
3 – I believe there is a time for 1:1 work, for exploring and understanding more about ourselves, and there comes a time that being part of a community helps us to take that work and ourselves to another level. We have people around us that we can celebrate and grieve together.
4 – Being in that circle can help top up those tanks. When I finish our online time with The Hummingbird Collective, my tanks are full, I am so topped up, it has become one of my favourite nourishing acts of self care. A place to slow down, to be heard, to learn, to share to simply be.
5 – I often quote Brene Brown who talks about the difference between fitting in and belonging, and how fitting in is changing who you are to be part of something, belonging is being accepted as you are, and this is the truth for The Hummingbird Collective. Come as you are, all of you is welcome.
6 – It will meet you were you are at. Yes there are resources in the mix, but only for when you are ready/have capcaity/inclination. Some will be part of The Hummingbird Collective for the online sessions, the online community, others will want to learn and absorb the tools that are in there too. It is your call. There are no deadlines, no must-dos, it is to make of it what you will.
7 – As we connect more to our true self, we can get more clarity on what we want to bring in to our world. Sometimes that can be daunting and can bring up some questions as to well how do I do that, or what are the first steps. By sharing the journey together, we have more eyes and ears open for us to help make it a reality.
8 – Johann Hari talks a lot about loneliness, and how it is often that we may be around people, but we don’t get to feel that connection with them. Being in a community with other like-hearted women, can help us feel heard, cherished, connected, supported, seen, understood and can bring such a beautiful depth in to our world once more.
9 – I often talk about the ripple effect, how we are rippling and how this affects others. When we are surrounded by like minded others, the impact this ripple can have increases. It is not that we need to be working on a specific project together, but the impact on the community and the world around us is really quite incredible.
10 – Recently I read an affirmation that said “I am living the life that I was courageous enough to create.” I looked around me for a moment, and thought yes I am! Is it perfect, is it smooth sailing? Nope, but it holds so much of me that is very much me! I would love to have you with us to help you create a life that is so very much you!
Keen to be amongst us, grab your place in The Hummingbird Collective before the doors close.