Feeling stuck, trapped?

Feeling broken, different, don’t belong? A bit lost? Not sure which path to choose?

I hear you. You do not have to do this on your own. I have absolutely had some of those feelings and more!

The School of Enoughness

It’s a is a place to learn, see, feel and believe that you are absolutely enough. Through a variety of resources, events, and community support, Liz guides you in overcoming self-limiting beliefs and embracing your true self. Discover e-books, online courses, and live events designed to enhance your confidence, bring peace, and infuse joy into your life.


From ‘broken’ to feeling free…

I found my way through that and am keen to share the journey with you…

When asked what one of my top values is, I talk about freedom.

As soon as I feel that I’ve lost that for whatever reason I feel it can really make my mental health go wonky.  Freedom as in road trips, freedom as in opportunities, but possibly the biggest one from me, freedom for the incessant story reel and noise that the gremlins used to make.

Some people call it their inner critic, some give is a specific name, for me the visual of gremlins works well for me, especially when I could start seeing them packing their bags and heading off!

Looking back to when I have struggled in the past I now know it was because not only was I disconnected from my true self, I had no solid foundations as to who I was and so would be pulled this way and that.  I had no idea this was what was happening at the time, I was too busy doing what I needed to do to try and fit in.

The gremlins that would tell me there was something wrong with me, that I was broken, that made me feel like I didn’t belong, was on the outside.  I am here to share with you that what those gremlins spout out is a whole load of $*(#(*& and that you too can be free of their grasp.

What is on the other side of your gremlins, fears, inner critic?  (Yes, I get it, it can be terrifying, it’s not weird to be feeling that.)

What are you wanting more of in your life?   

Is it time we made that happen?


How I Coach

The coaching I do is around helping you reconnect with your true self. It will be a journey of healing, understanding, compassion and gaining insights in to previous patterns and responses. I connect. I listen. I support. For me, this journey has been a big part of working out who I am, and just as importantly finding out who I am not and letting that go.  I look forward to sharing this journey with you.


Ok, if you are thinking about Life Coaching with Liz, just do it! It has changed my life in a short time from despair, loneliness and stuckness to joy, hope, connection. I have learned to trust, to be ok with who I am. Liz as a person and the process she uses are so easy to get on board with. I am confident that I can do little things to shift out of hard places every day, and that I can ask for and receive support when things are too big for me. Life is so much better now that I see I am in charge of it, that I am not a victim and that good things, sometimes miraculous things, do happen. That life is actually a good place to be. So if you are thinking about Life Coaching with Liz, I’d say just do it… I am so glad I did.


Liz has truly changed my life more than I could ever explain. I was living in the red zone all the time and didn’t even know what my green zone was. Even with seeing a counsellor, I was still just going around in circles and not getting anywhere but Liz helped me to see all the good that I can get from life and how great life can be. For the first time in a long time, I am excited about life and living it and what I can do. I cannot recommend Liz enough. Thank you so much, you truly saved my life.


Liz has a way of getting to the crux of things and helping you to find your way forward without telling you what to do or how to do it. She empathises but doesn’t indulge, challenges without confrontation and enables without taking away control. It’s not always an easy journey, but the effort is worth it.


I truly believe Liz will be a great person for many others who may need a special, caring someone to talk to…. Whomever is reading this should just go ahead and reach out to her I promise that you will not be disappointed. I respect Liz to the fullest. She has put everything in to helping me to love myself, to love every day and to once again love LIFE. Most of all to love being happy again. Thank you Liz, forever thankful.


So much of our time together comes to me when I most need it… Yesterday it was about turning up, trusting the right people who have shown that they love and support me in becoming more fully me. You are one of those people Liz… The outcome of last night would have been quite different if it wasn’t for your support and wisdom. Arohanui! <3


I hoped to feel better about myself, and my place in the world. I hoped to solve what felt like a massive disconnect from myself, the world and people around me. I hoped to feel alive again and reclaim something lost.  My expectations were certainly met, thanks to Liz’s intuition, heart, wonderful listening ears and words of wisdom. Because she is so well-read on so many approaches to self-development / spirituality etc, my sessions with Liz could be likened to a creative artwork, where there were no boundaries, I could say anything and not be judged, and I could begin to paint my self in a new colour.


I went from feeling totally confused about where I was heading and very poor self-worth to slowly gaining it back. I built a picture together with Liz of what I wanted for my life, and what it would take to get there, such as self-care and self-regulation strategies for stress; and what aligns with my true self and my values. This helped me to let go of things that I don’t want.




Called this by my Great Aunty due to the hums that could be heard when I was younger and in my happy place. It seems a fit to bring it into my life again now in my logo. A hummingbird represents joy, playfulness, and adaptability. It is about enjoying life, being more present and opening up to love.

Take the first step today

I am super passionate about helping people live a more authentic life. A life where they feel more confident, happier, more at peace. A life that has meaning, direction, purpose. A life that is intrinsically and uniquely yours.