
Ten days of Gratitude | Mini Course

Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $7.00.

Could you do with some more peace, confidence, hope, and happiness in your life? This is a short course where I will give you suggestions on how to implement gratitude into your daily life.

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 I remember when I was introduced to the practice of gratitude thinking, “Er, hello, what difference is this really going to make in my life?”

Fast forward and I have many stories to tell of the difference practicing gratitude has made in my life.   For me, it is a beautiful time and practice to reflect on my day.  There is something special happening as I think back and see the bits of gold in my day that I am grateful for. It is also a special feeling when, having done the practice for a while, to see all that written evidence of the gold that we have around us. Then there are times where I am wanting to reconnect in the moment, and will use a gratitude practice to help me find a way back to my true self.

Benefits from regular gratitude practices:

  • It can help relieve anxiety and depression.
  • It can help reduce stress and increase wellbeing.
  • It can help us build up our resilience.

Our energy grows where attention goes – Whether we are putting our focus on what we don’t want in our life or whether we are putting our focus on what we want to bring in, that is where the energy will go.

Life can feel full on, there is a lot going on in our world.  It is no suprise we get caught up on some of that, as well as society’s pressures/expectations and more.  

To add something else in to the mix, we are wired to spot the negative/the uncomfortable because back in caveman days, that meant danger and it was far more important that we were focusing on that, than watching the sunset.

Having a regular gratitude practice has been scientifically proven to rewire the brain; to help us see the beauty, see what we have around us, what we cherish, what is important to us.  In a world that can feel like chaos sometimes, it helps us to spot the gold.

Included in this are ten ways to help you bring in a gratitude practice. Some of them will seem totally random! They are to get you thinking differently and maybe away from some of our usual go-to gratitudes, and can help us see just how much is around us to be grateful for.

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